Monday, September 8, 2008

Lip gloss

I made a discovery this weekend! It has to do with makeup, as I have always battled it my whole life. I have always tried so hard to make it just right, and when I would think I would get near achieving what I thought was good, it would slide right off if I got to hot or quit checking on it a million times a day. Isn't that such a tiring way to live? Maybe noone knows this way of living, but it has dictated my life since I can remember. I would try cheap makeup, then go to the most expensive, thinking that it has to be better because I parted with some extra pieces of paper (dollars). Then it hit me, I really just wanted it to highlight the perfect beauty God gave me for me. Maybe when we realize that our features are perfect, we will be shown the exact way to highlight them. It is the glory of God to conceal things, and the glory of kings to reveal. I did ask like a child, as that is the only way I know how to anymore. Asking like an adult was really never asking at all for me. It was more like a telling.
So... It really doesn't take that much just to bring out those features, and let me tell you, that is one great, GREAT realization for me, because I have spent thousands upon thousands on beauty products. Before I got married, I used to spend almost my entire pay at the Lancome counter, and sometimes more than I had in my paycheck.
I did find one product that I absolutely am a true believer in - lip gloss - beautiful shiny lipgloss with a hint of sparkle or gold in it. You know what? It makes your eyes dance! And don't we won't that because aren't our eyes just a hint into our soul, and isn't a dancing sould such a wonderful freedom?

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